How my journey began . . .
Cathy C. Reiling
EFT Master Trainer of Trainers
Expert Clinical EFT Practitioner
Picture Tapping Technique US Trainer
As far back as I can remember, I’ve been inspired to help people who suffer from emotional hardships. I grew up in California, and in my early teens I studied self-help authors, teachers and philosophers that taught me that to bring change in behavior and to get to the root of issues, the sub-conscious mind is where undesired and limited beliefs are held. In my early twenties, my future husband and I moved to Washington State where I studied several modalities that dealt with the subconscious mind and learned how beliefs formed in early childhood can dictate our present choices and experiences.
In my early thirties my husband and I became assistant pastors of our church. I taught classes “Discovering your Spiritual Gifts” and “Communion with God”, as the co-assistant Pastor of Grace Word Fellowship. We spent much of that time counselling many in the congregation. I saw repeatedly how the limiting beliefs would override the counseling and prayer that the people would receive. I knew it was the beliefs (strongholds) that were interfering with them walking in the truth and freedom that was available to them through Jesus’ finished work on the cross. Over the next 30 years I was a lay counselor, attending, organizing, and assisting multiple workshops, seminars, and counselor trainings through Abiding Life Ministries, International.
In 2011, after tapping along with a video by Carol Tuttle introducing EFT on Dr. Mercola’s website, I knew there was something different and powerful that allowed me to have the state of mind to deal with and access my limiting beliefs. From earlier studies I knew that this could rewire and reprogram my brain so that I could be in a state of choice and no longer a victim of my belief system that was created by the conclusions I drew to survive early childhood. I loaded up my car with a few of my closest friends and church buddies and we ventured an hour away to attend an EFT “meet-up” led by Judith Frost, who later became my teacher and trainer. Over the next seven years which included becoming a certified EFT expert, I assisted Judith in over 20 Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 training workshops, along with her specialty workshops, EFT for PTSD, and EFT for Complex Trauma. On the track to becoming an EFT Master Trainer of Trainers, I studied and became certified under EFT Tapping Training Institute and accredited through EFT International.
Over the last 10 years I have been using EFT exclusively, finding it an extremely effective solution to most of the emotional issues I have encountered for both my clients and me. I am an Accredited Certified EFT Master Trainer of Trainers with EFT International, Certified EFT Expert in Clinical EFT through EFT Universe, Certified USA Trainer in Picture Tapping Technique (PTT) through Phoenix EFT and Certified in Matrix Reimprinting, through EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Academy. I have co-written two EFT for Christians Devotions books, along with Sherrie Rice Smith and Rhonda Rolph Stone.
I now train, mentor and certify EFT students through EFT International and continue to conduct private sessions. Since my days as an assistant Pastor, it has always been my heart’s desire to “Equip the Saints for the work of Ministry”, as this is my calling and my passion. EFT tapping directly affects our emotional brain and calms the body (the temple of the Holy Spirit), which allows us to “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10. When the limiting beliefs, strongholds, can be addressed, which EFT tapping so eloquently does, the prayers and counsel take on a whole new dimension. No longer blocked by the strongholds, the thoughts that are meant to be taken captive, can now be exhibited so much easier. My experience is that this is truly one of the weapons of our warfare: “for though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. The Fruit of the Spirit becomes so much more evident in one’s life after clearing the limiting beliefs, and the transformation from the renewing of the mind is the direct result of applying this practice. I thank God for the opportunity to share this teaching with those that are inspired and led my direction to become certified and accredited EFT practitioners.
What People Are Saying
“I just finished Level 1 & 2 online training with Cathy Reiling. Her slides and handouts are clear and easy to understand. Cathy is a wonderful instructor and mentor! I felt supported and I CAN DO THIS! ”
“I went to Cathy Reiling’s Level 1 & 2 training last summer & I am finishing up the same online training with her now as a refresher. I’ve learned so much & had as much fun this time (except for no beach). Great training-thorough & well-paced. Cathy wants us all to succeed. She’s awesome!”
“The workshop was inspiring and valuable! I learned practical and useful information tools to use in my practice. My goal was to come away with additional insight and tools and I was pleased that my goal and expected outcomes were met. Cathy was helpful, knowledgeable, patient, and did a wonderful job explaining the material.”
“Cathy is very knowledgeable, and I really appreciated all the examples “how-tos” from her personal experience. The handouts were so well put together and had such detailed information ~ they were awesome! As a certified practitioner, I came here with high expectations to refine my EFT practice. I really learned so much about each technique ~ little things to say, tips that I missed or wasn’t ready for the first time I heard it. I loved every single thing about this training!”